Because smartphone free schools…
Boost learning
Children at smartphone free schools achieve GCSE results 1-2 grades higher¹ than at those where they can access their phone.
Protect mental health
When smartphones are removed from the school day, mental health improves² and cyber-bullying is reduced. ²https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4735240
Improve behaviour
Many schools that have gone smartphone free have reported a significant improvement in behaviour across their school within weeks.
Create safer spaces
By removing unsupervised access to phones during the school day, children can learn in a safer environment.
Protect childhood
Without the pressure of constant notifications, children have the freedom to be children: they chat more, engage more and play more.
Despite the ever-growing body of evidence, there are only 11% of secondary schools where children aren't able to access their smartphone.
Heads and teachers have a uniquely powerful role to play in changing the norm in their school communities.
When schools act, parents listen.
And when schools go smartphone free, it benefits children not just during the school day, but in their wider lives too.
That’s why we’re empowering all schools to take action.
Because childhood is too short to be spent on a smartphone.
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